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Sunday Morning Worship 11 14 2021
Mary Van Haute
Mary Van Haute
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Order of Worship
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
November 14, 2021




Blessed be the holy Trinity + one God, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures forever.
Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open, all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hid:
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.
     Silence is kept for reflection.

Gracious God,
have mercy on us.
We confess that we have turned from you
and given ourselves into the power of sin.
We are truly sorry and humbly repent.
In your compassion forgive us our sins,
known and unknown,
things we have done
and things we have failed to do.
Turn us again to you,
and uphold us by your Spirit,
so that we may live and serve you in newness of life
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

God, who is rich in mercy, loved us
even when we were dead in sin,
and made us alive together with Christ.
By grace we have been saved.
May Almighty God strengthen us with power
through the Holy Spirit,
that Christ may live in our hearts through faith.


    In Thee is Gladness    
          ELW 867    

In thee is gladness amid all sadness,
Jesus, sunshine of my heart.
By thee are given the gifts of heaven,
thou the true redeemer art.
Our souls thou wakest; our bonds thou breakest.
Who trusts thee surely has built securely
and stands forever: Alleluia!
Our hearts are pining to see thy shining,
dying or living, to thee are cleaving;
naught can us sever: Alleluia!

Jesus is ours! We fear no powers,
not of earth or sin or death.
He sees and blesses in worst distresses;
he can change them with a breath.
Wherefore the story tell of his glory
with heart and voices; all heav'n rejoices
in him forever: Alleluia!
We shout for gladness, triumph o'er sadness,
love him and praise him and still shall raise him
glad hymns forever: Alleluia!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.

Let us pray.
Almighty God, your sovereign purpose brings salvation to birth. Give us faith to be steadfast amid the tumults of this world, trusting that your kingdom comes and your will is done through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


FIRST READING    Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25
Images of worship and sacrifice are used throughout Hebrews to highlight what Christ has uniquely accomplished through his death. Because we have received forgiveness through Christ’s death, we live with sincere hearts by trusting in God’s promises and encouraging love and good works from each other.

11And every priest stands day after day at his service, offering again and again the same sacrifices that can never take away sins. 12But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, "he sat down at the right hand of God," 13and since then has been waiting "until his enemies would be made a footstool for his feet." 14For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. 19Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, 20by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), 21and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Psalm 16    (read responsively by full verse)

 1Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.
 2I say to the LORD, "You are my LORD;
 I have no good apart from you."
 3As for the holy ones in the land, they are the noble,
 in whom is all my delight.
 4Those who choose another god multiply their sorrows;
 their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out
 or take their names upon my lips.
 5The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup;
 you hold my lot.
 6The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
 I have a goodly heritage.
 7I bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
 in the night also my heart instructs me.
 8I keep the LORD always before me;
 because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
 9Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices;
 my body also rests secure.
 10For you do not give me up to Sheol,
 or let your faithful one see the Pit.
 11You show me the path of life.
 In your presence there is fullness of joy;
 in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

GOSPEL:       Mark 13:1-8
In the last week of his life, Jesus warned his disciples concerning trials that were to come upon them and upon the world. He exhorts the listener: Do not be alarmed.

The holy gospel according to Mark.
Glory to you, O Lord.

1As he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!" 2Then Jesus asked him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down."
3When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, 4Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign that all these things are about to be accomplished? 5Then Jesus began to say to them, "Beware that no one leads you astray. 6Many will come in my name and say, 'I am he!' and they will lead many astray. 7When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come. 8For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. This is but the beginning of the birth pangs.

The gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.



     My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
         ELW 597

My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
no merit of my own I claim,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

    On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
    all other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace;
in ev'ry high and stormy gale
my anchor holds within the veil.    Refrain

His oath, his covenant, his blood
sustain me in the raging flood;
when all supports are washed away,
he then is all my hope and stay.    Refrain

When he shall come with trumpet sound,
oh, may I then in him be found,
clothed in his righteousness alone,
redeemed to stand before the throne!   Refrain


I believe in God, the Father almighty,
     creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son,
     our Lord,

     who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
     born of the virgin Mary,
     suffered under Pontius Pilate,
     was crucified, died, and was buried;
     he descended to the dead.
     On the third day he rose again;
     he ascended into heaven,
     he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
     and he will come to judge the living
     and the
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
     the holy catholic church,
     the communion of saints,
     the forgiveness of sins,
     the resurrection of the body,
     and the life everlasting. Amen.


Eternal God, you hold firm amid the changes of this world. Hear us now as we pray for the church, the world, and everyone in need.

     A brief silence.

God our creator, you show us the path of life. Bless faithful people everywhere with humility as they extend compassion to those who have experienced harm in religious spaces. Cultivate healthy congregations that tell of and enact your reconciling love.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our constant, you love your universe from beginning to end. As the seasons change, protect animals that migrate and hibernate. Bring them safely to a sheltered place and a more abundant season.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our ruler, you write your law on human minds and hearts. Give wisdom to all elected leaders and officials to govern with insight and compassion. Make them mindful of the well-being of all people so that your world will flourish.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our stronghold, you are present amid disaster. We pray for those affected by natural disasters. Come to the aid of all survivors of earthquakes, famines, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires, and the first responders who support them.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Bring healing to those suffering physically, particularly Alena, Jenna, Margaret, Anna Mae, Julie, Alan, Ken, Carol, Anne, Allen, JoAnn, Sue, Meagan, Betty, Dione, Nancy, Dottie, Theresa, Bobby, Dottie, Tim, Ruth, Henry, Mary, Greg, Ann Joyce, Barbara, and Shelby.  Calm their fear, supply their need, and be the solid ground beneath their feet.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our guide, you are greater than we can imagine. Surround congregations with your expansive inclusion. Be present in the midst of disagreements, differences, and questions. Unite people of diverse viewpoints in the love of Christ.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our beginning and our end, your beloved people shine like the brightness of the sky. We thank you for the lives of all who rest in your eternal mercy, from famous saints to the people we have loved. Assure us of your resurrection promise.
God, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God our hope and strength, we entrust to you all for whom we pray. Remain with us always, through Jesus Christ, our Savior.


The peace of the Lord be with you.
And also with you.


During this time of pandemic, we are not passing offering plates during our worship service.  Instead, they are placed at the back of the sanctuary.  You may place your offerings there either before or after the service.  Alternatively, some are using for online giving or are using their bank’s online banking option.  Whichever way you choose to give, we are grateful for your stewardship and generosity.

God of abundance, you cause streams to break forth in the desert and manna to rain from the heavens.  Accept the gifts you have first given us.  Unite them with the offering of our lives to nourish the world you love so dearly; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


Salvation belongs to our God and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever.  

Great and wonderful are your deeds, O God of the universe; just and true are your ways, O Ruler of all the nations.  Who can fail to honor you, Lord, and sing the glory of your name?   Salvation belongs to our God and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever. 

For you alone are the Holy One, and blessed is the one whose name is the Word of God.  All praise and thanks to you, holy God!  Salvation belongs to our God and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever. 

O God of justice and love, we give thanks to you that you illumine our way through life with the words of your Son. Give us the light we need, awaken us to the needs of others, and at the end bring all the world to your feast; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory forever.  

Our  Father, who art in heaven,
   hallowed be thy name
   thy kingdom come,
   thy will be done,
        on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those
        who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
     and the power, and the glory,
     forever and ever.  Amen.




     When Peace like a River
         ELW 785         

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll,
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
it is well, it is well with my soul.

    It is well (it is well)
    with my soul, (with my soul,)
    it is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
let this blest assurance control,
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
and has shed his own blood for my soul.    Refrain

He lives--oh, the bliss of this glorious thought;
my sin, not in part, but the whole,
is nailed to his cross and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!    Refrain

Lord, hasten the day when our faith shall be sight,
the clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
the trumpet shall sound and the Lord shall descend;
even so it is well with my soul.    Refrain


Go in peace. Serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God!



Elizabeth of Hungary, renewer of society, died 1231
Born in Hungary, Elizabeth was betrothed to the son of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and at age four was taken to be raised with him at the Wartburg Castle. Ten years later they were married. She was very generous to the poor, and after her husband's death she lived in cruel hardship until her own death at age twenty-four.

In Thee is Gladness,  Text: Johann Lindemann, 1549-1631; tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878, alt. Music: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi, 1556-1622.  Public domain.

Liturgical Text, Music, and Images from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, © 2006 and 2020 Augsburg Fortress and Reprinted and/or streamed with permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License #SAS016761.  All rights reserved.

My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less,  Text: Edward Mote, 1797-1874, alt. Music: John B. Dykes, 1823-1876.  Public domain.

When Peace like a River,  Text: Horatio G. Spafford, 1828-1888. Music: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876.  Public domain.