Our mission is to share God’s love with each other, our community, and the world.
Sunday 10 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Spending Plan review
Monday Office Closed
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Food Packing
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Worship Band Practice
Thursday 6:15 p.m.: Centering Prayer
♦. Annual Congregation Meeting - January 26th at 11:30 in Fellowship Hall. Spendfing Plan review during Fellowshuip Hour January 19th.
♦ Call Committee Update: A Wise Old Owl (or Grandma or Pastor) once told us to Love One Another, Seek the best in all things, Embrace the different, have patience, trust, and know that God has this!! May this New Year hold great things for all of us! Your Call Committee
♦ Oscar J Pope: We received a call this week from the Guidance Counselor at Oscar Pope asking if we would be willing or able to donate 50-100 snack items per week to use as incentives in their reading program. Snacks in large quantities at Sam’s range in prices from $13 to $20 for boxes containing 24 to 48 snacks..
♦ Please let the office know if you or anyone else of our family is in the hospital or desires a home visit from the pastor.
♦ Graceful Giving: The ministry of the month for January is VISTE (Volunteers in Service to the Elderly). We have a longstanding partnership with VISTE that provides a wide range of services to the elderly in our community. The following items are especially needed. You can leave them in the narthex or put them on the collection table in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you!
Oatmeal Cake & Muffin Mix Fabric tote bags
Grits Boxed Potatoes & Pasta Storage containers
Cereal Rice Personal hygiene items
Crackers Stuffing Mix
Granola & Cereal bars Coffee, Ensure, Boost
♦ Prayer list: Rita Buckley, Mary Buschbacher, Mabel Carreira, Doris Cirillo, June Clark, Barbara Cox, Ann Daffer, Julie Dunston, Sydney Easton, Brooklyn Farmer, Carol Grzegorczyk, Anne Guilford, Judy Haer, Tom Haydock, Lydia Hodge, Brian Hosty, James & Grace Irish, Wil Krell, Amy Krell, Bob & Jane Lemley, Scott Listy, Ron & Flo Mari, Mac McPeak, Monica Mencia, Tom & Leona Miller, Avery Monroe, Doris Muszynski, Elaine Oblinger, John Shamp, Tim Simpson, Betty Smith, Linda Springer, Jeff Tanner, Henry Tomlinson, Gary Venable, Mary Venable, Greg Wasserman, Helen & Ron Wettleson, and Max Wickham.
♦ Friendship Pads: All who are worshipping with us today, especially those who are visiting with us, are invited to sign the Friendship Pad that is at the center aisle end of the pew. Please list your phone number if you are visiting. We would like to be in touch with you and to welcome you to our gathering. After you sign, please pass it down the pew and back.
♦ Parish News
♦ Worship Opportunities:
Sunday Morning Worship in-person and livestreamed at 10:00 a.m.
Online: Website - https://www.gracelakeland.com/live
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/churchgracelakeland
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@gracelakeland/streams
♦ Contact Information: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 863-686-5585
745 S. Ingraham Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801
Parish Administrator - Kandyn Mathes -- churchgracelakeland@gmail.com