Our mission is to share God’s love with each other, our community, and the world.
Sunday – 10 a.m. Worship
Wednesday – 9:30 a.m. Backpack packing
2.00 Afternoon Circle
6:30 p.m. Choir
7:30 p.m. Worship Band
Thursday – 9:00 a.m. Quilters
6:15 p.m. Centering Prayer
♦ Welcome Pr. Jeannine Sweet! This morning Rp. Jeannine Sweet is with us to continue our interim process. Please give her a warm welcome to the congregation.
♦ Please let the office know if you or anyone else of our family is in the hospital or desires a home visit from the pastor.
♦ Call Committee update: Your Call Committee has completed our Ministry Site Profile and submitted it to the ELCA website. We are excited to have made this progress. This new form is intended to help our congregation call a leader that can best serve us as we live out the Good News of God in our community.
Other tasks we are working on include (1) formulating interview questions, (2) communicating our activities and progress, and (3) collecting and compiling surveys. And of course the never-ending meetings!
Yea for progress!! Bring on the candidates!
♦ October Service Project: Our Service Project for October will be the SPCA. This organization relies greatly on charitable donations to provide services to the community, state, and country besides sheltering homeless animals. Some of the needed items are:
Wet dog food (Pedigree ground & Pedigree Chunks with gravy),
Friskies canned pate cat food (no fish),
Dog & cat treats.
Hard rubber dog toys, balls, frisbees, wand type cat toys for play,
Pellet type kitty litter,
Donations of money to help with vaccinations, medicine, and surgeries.
Drop off your donations in the Fellowship Hall.
Make check payable to Grace Lutheran with a notation of SPCA. (See more information on bulletin board in narthex).
♦ Oscar J. Pope Collection: Collected school supplies in August totaled 30 different items, with a piece count of 6697 items. Thank you for supplying the items needed by the school this year. The Social Ministry Committee!
♦ Friendship Pads: All who are worshipping with us today, especially those who are visiting with us, are invited to sign the Friendship Pad that is at the center aisle end of the pew. Please list your phone number if you are visiting. We would like to be in touch with you and to welcome you to our gathering. After you sign, please pass it down the pew and back.
♦ Needed for Oscar J. Pope: Chicken Ramen packs and 16 to 18 oz. Creamy Peanut butter. Other groceries are listed on the green list on the food closet door. Thank you for your support!
♦ Prayer list: Rita Buckley, Mary Buschbacher, Mabel Carreira, Anna Mae Chinault, Doris Cirillo, Jan Clark, June Clark, Ann Daffer, Julie Dunston, Carol Grzegorczyk, Anne Guilford, Judy Haer, Tom Haydock, Lydia Hodge, Brian Hosty, James & Grace Irish, Wil Krell, Amy Krell, Michael Lang, Bob & Jane Lemley, Scott Listy, Marie Maddox, Ron & Flo Mari, Mac McPeak, Monica Mencia, Tom & Leona Miller, Avery Monroe, Doris Muszynski, John Shamp, Tim Simpson, Betty Smith, Linda Springer, Jeff Tanner, Henry Tomlinson, Gary Venable, Mary Venable, Greg Wasserman, Helen & Ron Wettleson, and Max Wickham.
♦ Parish News:
♦ Worship Opportunities:
Sunday Morning Worship in-person and livestreamed at 10:00 a.m.
Online: Website - gracelakeland.com
Facebook - facebook.com search on Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
YouTube - youtube.com/@gracelakeland
♦ Contact Information: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
745 S. Ingraham Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801
863-686-5585 www.gracelakeland.com
Email addresses:
Parish Administrator - Mary Flekke -- churchgracelakeland@gmail.com