Our mission is to share God’s love with each other, our community, and the world.
Sunday – 10 a.m. Worship
Tuesday – 5:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
Wednesday – Office Closed
Thursday – Office Closed
Christmas Eve Service: December 24, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., pre-service music begins at 5:15 p.m.
Holiday Office Hours: The church office will be closed December 25-26, 2024 in observance of Christmas, and January 1, 2025 for New Year’s Day.
Praise: There is no Hymn of Praise during Advent as it is a time to prepare ourselves for self-reflection and change our lives to reflect the light of Christ.
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund: This month’s Social Ministry emphasis is the Discretionary/Love Fund. This fund shares God’s love by assisting members and others who have urgent needs. Gifts of cash or gift cards for gas or groceries are appreciated.
Global Refuge Ministry of the ELCA: This ministry has been in mission to families seeking to find, safety, and a better life. Known formerly as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. You can donate to them at: PO Box 17467; Baltimore, MD 21298-8266 or through Grace in addition to your regular offering.
Please let the office know if you or anyone else of our family is in the hospital or desires a home visit from the pastor.
Stewardship Drive: Thanks to everyone who submitted a commitment card for our Continuing in God’s Grace stewardship drive. If you were unable to turn in your card during service on December 1st, your completed card can be placed in the offering plate, given to an usher, or mailed, emailed, or dropped off at the church office in the next few weeks. Additional commitment cards are available in the church narthex and in the church office.
Call Committee: No, we haven’t heard anything yet, but we continue to work on being prepared for those phone calls when they come. The Call Committee would like to thank everyone for their prayers and patience. We enjoyed our mock interview with Pastor Sorenson and learned a lot in the process. We may not hear much during the holidays. Relax and enjoy the peacefulness of this time. Save your energy to be ready for the enthusiasm and good news when we have it, God is good!! He has a plan in mind for us and the people of Grace Church!! Prayerfully, Judy, Sharon, Saundra, Tom and Pat
Prayer list: Rita Buckley, Mary Buschbacher, Mabel Carreira, AnnaMae Chinault, Doris Cirillo, June Clark, Barbara Cox, Ann Daffer, Julie Dunston, Sydney Easton, Carol Grzegorczyk, Anne Guilford, Judy Haer, Tom Haydock, Lydia Hodge, Brian Hosty, James & Grace Irish, Wil Krell, Amy Krell, Michael Lang, Bob & Jane Lemley, Scott Listy, Marie Maddox, Ron & Flo Mari, Mac McPeak, Monica Mencia, Tom & Leona Miller, Avery Monroe, Doris Muszynski, Elaine Oblinger, John Shamp, Tim Simpson, Betty Smith, Linda Springer, Jeff Tanner, Henry Tomlinson, Gary Venable, Mary Venable, Greg Wasserman, Helen & Ron Wettleson, and Max Wickham.
P. E.A.C.E.: Five church members attended the last meeting at Hurst Chapel in Winter Haven. Updates were given on a new diversionary program offered by the Lakeland Police Department who are now training their officers. Winter Haven is in process of writing their procedure manual for a diversionary program. The 250 people there voted to continue to track the progress of both Lakeland and Winter Haven police departments in the first time offered diversionary program. These programs are for first time offenders which offer them rehabilitation programs to avoid the consequences of an arrest.
Elderly Care in Polk County: Voted to put programs in place for the assistance and care of our older population. Volunteers needed for research and development teams. If interested, contact Dan Stoller.
Friendship Pads: All who are worshipping with us today, especially those who are visiting with us, are invited to sign the Friendship Pad that is at the center aisle end of the pew. Please list your phone number if you are visiting. We would like to be in touch with you and to welcome you to our gathering. After you sign, please pass it down the pew and back.
Thank You from LPD: Thank you for the donations of toys once again. We appreciate all that you do for us and the children in our community. Because of your generosity, we are able to help over 350 children and bring many smiles. Again, thank you! Best regards, Susy & the CSU Unit, Lakeland Police Department.
♦ Parish News:
♦ Worship Opportunities:
Sunday Morning Worship in-person and livestreamed at 10:00 a.m.
Online: Website - gracelakeland.com
Facebook - facebook.com search on Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
YouTube - youtube.com/@gracelakeland
♦ Contact Information: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
745 S. Ingraham Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801
863-686-5585 www.gracelakeland.com
Email addresses:
Parish Administrator - Kandyn Mathes -- churchgracelakeland@gmail.com