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Sunday Dec. 10 – Advent 2

National Bishop Susan Johnson: A Prayer for Justice

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

(Amos 5:24)

Loving God, we turn to you seeking not judgement, but justice.

May your justice rain down on Israel and Palestine. May the captives be released, the wounded healed, the dead mourned, the bombs silenced, the soldiers returned home. May there be a just and lasting peace where both Palestinians and Israelis live in safety in their own homes. May there be a just and sustainable two-state solution. May your just peace reign in every heart, home, and land.

We pray in the name of the Holy One, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

National Bishop Susan Johnson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Monday Dec. 11

We pray for the Church of the Reformation, Beit Jala, St. Andrew’s Church, Ramallah, St. Peter’s Church, Birzeit, St. Philip’s Church, Nablus, Good Shepherd Church, Rafidia, and St. Matthew’s Church, Zababdeh; for their inspirational witness and faithful service to Christ from generation to generation.

Tuesday Dec. 12

We pray for Talitha Kumi School, Beit Jala, Arab Evangelical Episcopal School, Ramallah, Episcopal Technological & Vocational Training Center, Ramallah, and The Christian National Kindergarten, Nablus; for those whose work and studies have been disrupted, and the impact this has on families and communities.

Wednesday Dec. 13

We pray for Jofeh Community Rehab Center, Jordan, Holy Land Institute for the Deaf, Salt, Jordan, and St. Luke’s Rehab Center, Beit Mery, Lebanon; for people who are in need of healing in body and spirit, and those who give of themselves to provide such places.

Thursday Dec. 14

We pray for Christmas Lutheran Church, Bethlehem, Emmanuel Church, Ramleh, St. Peter’s Church, Jaffa, Holy Family Church, Reineh, Christ Church, Nazareth, St John’s and St Luke’s Haifa, and St. Paul’s Church, Shefa’amr; that they continue to show forth as signs of the Gospel and its power to transform and reconcile all things.

Friday Dec. 15

We pray for Al Mahamba Nursery and Preschool on the Mount of Olives, Christ School, Nazareth, St. John’s School, Haifa, and Holy Family Kindergarten, Raineh; for the gift of children, and for their safety, growth, and wellbeing.

Saturday Dec. 16

We pray for the Elderly Home and Community Center, Birzeit, Palestine, and the Elderly People’s Home, Ashrafieh, Jordan; for the wisdom of elders and those who care for them..

An Advent Cycle of Prayer for Churches in the Holy Land and the Middle East - 2023

The above photo depicts the painting "HOPE" by Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour.
The white building it portrays is the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem
