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We pray that all our members, friends, and families have safely survived last night's hurricane.  As power is restored and cleanup progresses we can be thankful that we were spared the worst of the storm.

If anyone needs assistance, please contact the church office or one of the council members.

And be mindful of those on the coast who have suffered severe damage and loss.  Our churchwide office provides aid via Lutheran Disaster Response.

Pray -- Please pray for the safety of communities impacted by hurricanes.
Give -- Your gifts will support disaster-impacted communities.
Share -- Spread the word throughout your congregation and community.

Lutheran Disaster Response works with its partners to provide immediate relief, such as water, food, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, attention to unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.

Both Lutheran Disaster Relief and Thrivent are collecting money for Hurricane relief.  Thrivent will match $1 for every $2 donated up to $500,000.  You can give to both of these agencies directly on their websites, or you can give through the church if you wish credit on your financial statement at the end of the year. Please indicate HURRICANE on the contribution.and if the donation is to go to LDR or Thrivent. 

Lutheran Disaster Response