Memorial Guidelines

Current Funds

Undesignated funds given in memory or in honor of a person have been deposited in a general memorial account.

Designated funds have also been deposited in the memorial account with a record of the donor and, in some cases, with a record of the intent of the family’s wishes.

If the designated funds have not been used or the total for the designed fund has not been reached within two years, the family will be contacted, and the funds may become available for other purposes. If the Memorial Committee is unable to contact the family, the funds will become undesignated.

Requests for use of current memorial funds will be submitted to Memorial Committee for review and then submitted for approval by the Congregation Council.

Future Donations

The Memorial Committee will provide a list of suggestions for memorial gifts to the Congregation Council for approval. This list should be updated annually.

The list of suggested memorial gifts will be published to encourage members and families to designate gifts in honor of people on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. in addition to donations in memory of a deceased person.

Undesignated gifts shall become part of the general memorial account.
Donors will be thanked with a card and the memorial or honor gift will be listed in the memorial book in the narthex.

As with current funds, requests for use of undesignated memorial funds will be submitted to Memorial Committee for review and then submitted for approval by the Congregation Council.