Your Call Committee has completed our Ministry Site Profile and submitted it to the the ELCA website. We are very excited to have made this progress.
Our Ministry Site Profile (MSP) is a document that describes our congregation’s structure and setting, vision for mission, and leadership needs. This new form is more explicitly focused on mission and is intended to help our congregation call a leader that can best serve our congregation as we live out the Good News of God in our community. Our MSP is essential because of the role it plays in expressing who our congregation is now and what our ministry will look like in the future.
Yea for progress!! We are now preparing to be able to interview prospective candidates when presented by our Florida Bahamas Synod Assistant for Transitions, Pr. Nicole Eastwood.
Please note that while the MSP is available to our members at church and on our website, portions of this are confidential and should not be distributed to the general public. Interested rostered ministers can access the complete MSP at
Grace members can read the MSP on our website. Go to the folder MEMBER INFORMATION & LINKS. Remember this is password protected. If you don’t remember the password, call the church office or contact one of our council members. On the left side list, click on the first choice for MINISTRY SITE PROFILE 2024.
Paper copies of the MSP will be available for viewing during Fellowship Hour for the next few Sundays.