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February’s Social Ministry focus is on Crop Walk.  Join with us as we raise funds to help neighbors near and far get meals they need today and sustainable food security for tomorrow.

Twenty-five percent of the funds raised stay in Lakeland and will be shared with Lighthouse and Talbot House Ministries. Non-perishable foods are collected at the walk and will go to area food banks.  

To contribute money, either donate directly to Grace’s walkers, or go online to and click on the Make a donation link and then type in the walker’s name and make your donation.  

Another way to donate is to use Tithely, our church donation program, to give directly to Grace and we will forward your donation to CROP Hunger Walk.  Click on the GIVE button to the right of the top menu and enter your information.  Choose the Designated Fund option and put CROP Walk on the memo line to properly credit your gift.

Those who wish to participate in the walk, see Mary Flekke for donation envelopes.

The walk is Sunday, February 27th  at 1:30 p.m.  Please meet at First Presbyterian Church on Lake Hollingsworth. Bring food donations there on that Sunday, or bring them to Grace and Mary will make sure they get delivered to the walk.  

CWS and CROP Hunger Walks

CROP Hunger Walks are community-based walk events held in cities and towns across the United States, raising funds to support the global mission of Church World Service, a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. Twenty five percent of the funds raised are returned to the host community to support local hunger fighting efforts.


The Crop Project was organized in 1947 when farmers were asked to donate food and seed crops to our hungry neighbors in post-World War II Europe and Asia, a program that soon became known as the Christian Rural Overseas Program - CROP. In 1969 in Bismarck, North Dakota, and in 1970 in York, Pennsylvania, the first walk events were organized to raise funds to support CROP. Since then, CROP Hunger Walk events have been held in hundreds of communities large and small raising millions of dollars to eradicate hunger and poverty.

Get Involved

Hunger is one of the greatest injustices facing our world, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Ending hunger is possible, and it is possible in our lifetime. You can help make it happen. Register for your local CROP Hunger Walk, raise funds, and take us one step closer to ending hunger once and for all. Join the movement!