745 South Ingraham Avenue • Lakeland, FL 33801 • 863-686-5585
March 16, 2021
My Dear People of Grace,
Grace to you and peace from God and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen.
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of God, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which God has called you. Ephesians 1:16-18
This past year has been a difficult one in many respects – isolation, aloneness, and loneliness, worry over an unknown disease, disruption of familiar habits and routines, and seemingly little to look forward to. Yet, thankfully there are positive signs as the number of new cases drops, the number of vaccinations increases, and the medical experts learn more about how to treat the disease caused by this “novel coronavirus.” Of course, this does not mean that we can return full throttle to the things that we miss the most. We are still in a pandemic; we must still take precautions; we must continue to be wise about the risks to which we expose ourselves and those closest to us.
In response to the local data that shows significant improvement, particularly over the last few weeks, and in response to the expressed desire of the congregation, the Council on Sunday approved limited inperson worship at two services on Easter Sunday. You will notice that these services are described as “limited.” Some things will be different from what we have experienced before in worship. There will be no congregational singing. Masks and safe physical distance will be required of all attending. Ushers will seat and dismiss worshipers. Other precautions may be implemented as planning for these services continues. Yet, many things will be the same as what we have experienced before. We will be together. God will be worshiped. The good news of Jesus will be proclaimed. We will pray together. We will partake of communion.
This offering of in-person worship should not be understood as an urging or compelling to attend. It is often said, “All may; none must.” Livestreaming will continue. In fact, I do not see a time in our future where we do not have online worship.
Please continue to pray for your Council, our congregation, and your pastor. There are many details to consider and plan for in the next few weeks as we take this next step. We will be asking for help with a number of things. Please lend a hand as you are able.
A blessed Lent to you and yours as we make our way to the empty tomb of Easter!
In Christ’ love,
Pastor Pam Smith
Our mission is to share God's love with each other, our community, and the world.