Grace recently installed a Hearing Loop in our sanctuary, a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. Set your hearing aids to the "T" setting (for Telecoil) and sound from our audio system will be transmitted directly to your hearing aids, free from background noise. This should greatly improve clarity and understanding and let you adjust your own volume.
You may need to activate the telecoil on your devices, either through your phone app or by your audiologist.
If your hearing aids don't have a Telecoil (or you don't have hearing aids but still need sound enhancement), we have portable wireless units with headphones that will pick up sound from the Hearing Loop.
How does this work? Hearing Loops are a form of hearing assistive technology allowing you to receive sound directly into your hearing aids or cochlear implants when equipped with a Telecoil. The Hearing Loop (also called an audio induction loop) is a thin copper wire in the the floor of the sanctuary, powered by a special amplifier connected to our sound system. The Telecoil in your hearing aids acts as an antenna to pick up the signal from the Loop. This works in any pew.
If you have any questions or want more details, see one of our sound techs.
And if you would like to use a portable loop receiver with headphones, see one of our ushers.